Wednesday, June 6, 2007

List of Things I need to do!!!!!! AGGGHHHH!!!

1. Pull all files and organize data
2. Create new roles based on 6-traits
3. Go back to orginal reading list and take some notes
4. Review CSUWPAI schedules and make sure I am not missing anything
5. Go to liquor store :)


Anonymous said...

Renee, what a hoot! You gave me a much needed smile this morning. Perhaps you need to swing by Stacey's blog and sit by the pool after you visit the liqour store. I too am finding that the dates for the summer institute are zooming up. But seriously, list-making is a great organizational step so give yourself a pat on the back. Personally I'm going to make making a list my top priority today.

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to stop by and thank you for the lovely words at my blog - I'm SO flattered that you thought my writing felt like a prompt. I do find I'm trying to be thoughtful in the words I commit to the screen since this is, afterall, the "writing project" :)